Easy Slope 45° Platform Ladder

Easy Slope StepsGantry Mobile StepsEasy Slope Steps 1600mm

Most mobile steps used in warehouses have a slope of 60 degrees and a rise (height between treads) of 250mm. This means that you have to always climb the stairs facing the treads, which means you have to go down backwards.

This range of steps, our Easy Slope Range, negates this by have a slope angle of 45 degrees, and a comfortable step increment of 200mm. This allows users to descend facing forwards while carrying boxes.

The downside to this style of ladder is the increased overall length which makes them a little less manoeuvrable.

These easy slope warehouse steps are made in one rigid structure giving good inherent strength. The 2 large rear wheels have a diameter of 200mm and at the front are 2 100mm wheels housed in swivel castors which are locked in place using a lever handle brake.

Many mobile step applications require an extended platform or gantry. We can build these to what ever you require. The step section is our standard easy slope step, which is then bolted to a separate gantry section. The gantry steps will be supplied in 2 parts with the associated bolts for you to assemble.

Our gantry sections are built to order in increments of 200mm - Please contact us for whatever you want. we can build most things!

Easy Slope with Gantry