A wire pallet cage is a storage container made out of steel bar grids. They're ideal for storing big items and bulky loads in warehouses, shops, and workshops. Folding wire pallet cages are collapsible - this can greatly reduce the footprint they occupy when they're placed in storage.

Wire pallet cages are highly adaptable to different jobs and loads, but they're best used for heavier single items that won't leak or break, and for large amounts of an individual, durable item. They're ideal for indoor loading bays where large loads have to be shifted back and forth quickly without heavy machinery or dedicated vehicles. They can even be used as cheap display cases for front-of-house retail products.

However, buying wire pallet cages in bulk can prove expensive. One way to save money on large orders is to purchase used and refurbished wire cages. The units have good strength and durability, and can be repaired as they age.

Buying new cages vs buying used

There are two options for businesses looking to acquire wire cage pallets. They can be purchased brand new (often straight from the manufacturer) or bought second-hand from a storage products merchant.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches.

Buying new wire cages means that you'll get a manufacturer's guarantee with each storage unit. If the cage breaks or develops faults for any reason, you'll be entitled to a free replacement or repairs.

You'll also guarantee excellent conditioning and build quality, as the cages will come to you with no prior history. However, this option is often more expensive and can be excessive if you're just looking for a simple storage solution.

If you have to outfit a warehouse, buying used and refurbished wire pallet cages in bulk will save money overall. Refurbished cages are often of equal quality to brand new ones, as the units are simple in design and resistant to scratches, dents, and flakes due to their coated steel frames.

While you might not be able to pick and choose in the same way as with brand new storage containers, cages are often built to fixed specifications - meaning they're easily adaptable to your current storage space.

Wire cage pallets from Steps and Stillages

Do you need excellent quality used wire cage pallets for your UK business? Steps and Stillages stock a wide range of different shapes, sizes, and designs. All of our refurbished storage units are great value for money, well-maintained, and extremely durable in any environment. You can browse our selection of refurbished cages online.

Feel free to get in touch with our service team via phone or email for more information about how we could save you money on all kinds of dedicated, flexible storage. We’re open as usual during lockdown for quotations, advice, and orders.


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