7 Different Types Of Warehouse Platform Trolleys – Exploring Your Options

Platform trolleys are essential in many businesses to provide an effortless way to move stock or goods - either heavy loads that could cause injury to staff if moved by hand, or small, light items that are difficult to move in bulk.

From retail outlets and garden centres to warehouses and storage facilities, employees and customers benefit from different types of trolleys and, at Steps and Stillages, we are delighted to be able to supply a variety of trolleys for industrial and commercial businesses, making us the one stop shop for this type of equipment.

Our Comprehensive Range of Warehouse Platform Trolleys

At Steps and Stillages, we offer expert guidance about which platform trolleys are most likely to benefit your business, so getting in touch is the easiest way to obtain impartial, knowledgeable advice. However, before you call, take a look at our range to learn about the different trolleys that we can supply:

1) Nesting Platform Trolleys

Nesting platform trolleys provide an easy solution to the need to move heavy items and, when not in use, can be nested together to take up minimal space. As well as featuring a large flatbed for bulky or heavy goods, these trolleys can also be fitted with a rear basket or top shelf for smaller items. A heavy-duty model is also available for transporting heavier goods.

2) Flatbed Trolleys

Although they can’t be nested when not in use, flatbed trolleys are perfect for moving heavy goods or stacking larger quantities of smaller items. The large flat surface supports considerable weight, while the swivel wheels enable easy manoeuvrability even when a full load is being carried. The flatbed is available as robust plywood or a rubberised deck with a bumper strip.

3) Shopping Trolleys

A staple of supermarkets across the world, shopping trolleys are available in different sizes, giving retail and warehouse managers a comprehensive choice that suits the style and size of their premises. Our shopping trolleys are effortless to move and can be nested for compact storage, while the zinc plated framework protects against wear and corrosion, even if left outdoors in wet weather.

4) Turntable Trucks

Similar to a flatbed trolley, our turntable trucks offer extra manoeuvrability with its independent steering axle, making it perfect for moving in difficult environments or when fully loaded with heavy goods. Dropdown sides facilitate easy loading and unloading, while the 84cm pull/push handle can be mounted onto quad bikes for transporting over longer distances.

5) Order Picking Trolleys/Shelf Trolleys

In shops and warehouses, being able to move different products quickly at the same time helps to boost productivity and reduces unnecessary footfall around the premises. Order picking trolleys, with multiple shelves or compartments, are ideal for loading with different products so that the employee can move from one aisle to another, without having to constantly reload.

6) Mobile Hydraulic Scissor Lifting Tables

Working at different low heights can be problematic, so a mobile hydraulic scissor lifting table offers a versatile solution that is ideal for warehouses, industrial settings, or garages. Although lightweight and easy to move, lifting tables can support loads of up to 800kg, and can also double up as mobile work benches when required.

7) Gorilla Roll Cage

An exceptionally durable heavy-duty cage, the gorilla roll cage features a strong base that is reinforced with a 2mm steel sheet, and is designed to transport oversized products or heavy loads. With integrated forklift sleeves, the cage can be quickly moved between locations, while its tyred wheels provide ample support under load. The gorilla roll cage can also be locked for security when left unattended.

Steps and Stillages: For Your Platform Trolley Needs

For more information about the full range of platform trolleys, simply get in touch with Steps and Stillages, and one of our specialists will be delighted to provide you with knowledgeable advice to support your business.


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Image source: Pixabay

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